I'll just give you different advice.ĭazzle support has been horrible ten years ago, and likely will not be any better with a product that's aged 10 years since, and due to the fact that they've been bought out and goodness-knows-what since. I personally won't even bother to help you with the Dazzle. Capture devices are usually found under 'Sound Video and Game Controllers'. Once the install completes reboot your PC and verify that the Dazzle installed correctly by looking for the device in Device Manager with the Dazzle plugged in. Save these changes and double-click the installer to begin the install.
Check the box which says 'Run this program as administrator' at the bottom. Click the box that says 'Run this program in Compatibility mode for.' and also select Windows 7 from the drop down menu. Right click on it and select 'Properties'. If so download the 64-bit driver installer for the DVC100, DVC101, or DVC103 Pinnacle's driver downloads are here: You probably have Windows 8.1 64-bit.
If Windows 8.1 doesn't install any drivers when you plug in the Dazzle capture device, you will have to install them manually. If you can't get compatible drivers installed, you might as well toss the Dazzle and buy something else. You need to install drivers that work for Windows 8.1 before moving on to finding software.